Pink Reaper


Fascinated by the form and especially the strength of the famous Carolina Reaper, we once had the idea of ​​hybridizing it with another extraordinary strain known for its fantastic patchwork effect, the Pink Tiger! The fruit of this union was born the Pink Reaper.
this new Made In Reunion strain has the best of both worlds, extreme strength and surreal color paterns! The flowers of the Pink Reaper fertilized give fruits of green color which then turns purple and finishes cream / peach with mauve speckles when ripe!


This new and unique variety will never cease to surprise the most experienced collectors eager for novelty and in search of the most daring genetics.

The main strains that we are cultivating are currently F3 and seem stable. Nonetheless, as a precautionary measure, we are waiting to see results from the fourth generation to ensure that there is no visible degeneration.

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