

This _C annuum_ is a fast growing, easy to grow, highly resilient, massive producer.  The plant features small leaves and a strong stalk that can handle significantly heavier weather than most other peppers, including high winds and even some hail.  The branching growth pattern is somewhat different from most other annuum peppers, often not producing the 'Y' pattern common to most Capsicums, thus it's not critical to prune (or top), although yields can be increased with strategic pruning.  The plant will begin producing white flowers within a few weeks of planting which quickly transform into 2-3 cm long white pods.  The pods are considered best eaten fresh while white, when the seeds are still soft, and the heat reached its peak.  Once the pepper ripens from orange to red, the seeds will begin to harden and become less palatable, and the heat level will reach around Jalapeno level.  In all stages, the peppers make superior pickling peppers, infusing brine with a flavourful, mild heat that complements many different types of pickles.  

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  • Days to maturity: 75

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