Biquinho Iracema


You would never guess that this pepper is a C. chinense as it has more in common with many of the C. baccatum or C. fruitescens!  This fairly compact, slow growing pepper features small, verdant leaves, with a tendency to bush out sideways more than upward.  Some sources put its maximum height at about 70 cm.  It produces a plethora of delicate white flowers that transform into small white lantern or beak shaped pods that ripen to orange-red in a showy cascade.  The peppers feature a flavour that many will equate to a tart rhubarb with a fresh C annuum undertone, and little to zero heat.  For cullinary purposes, this delicate pepper makes an excellent fresh addition to salads or fresh salsas, but when cooked it loses much of its flavour.  The plant is very well suited to decorative pots, ideally growing in at least 3 gallons or 12 litres of growth media or soil.  Ideal growing conditions include well drained soil with plenty of water, and a little more shade than most peppers.  The flowers are also susceptible to harsh weather, so it's best to provide some shelter and shade for maximum production.  Photo credit The Hippy Seed Company.

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  • Days to maturity: 120

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